Monday, October 28, 2013

Weekend Fun and Hip Work

It seems like my Dad's visits always happen at just the right time for my hip/knee/foot/back issues to be worked on!  This runner always seems to have something that needs attention.   

This time around it was my TFL.  A little hint for you runners out there...everyone thinks it's the IT Band that is the source of all the issues...the TFL is where it's at!!!  It always hurts a bit, ok a lot, when he works on me, but this time around was the first time I had to fight vomiting on the massage table.  He hit the TFL in my right leg and it fired everything up from hip to foot, and my knee felt like it was going to jump out of my leg and run out the door.  I almost asked him to get me a bucket because I was going to be sick. 

That feeling only lasts for a little bit though.  Once the bad stuff releases then it starts feeling magically good, like I can run as far and as fast I want forever.  I'm happy to report that today I'm 100% pain free!!!  Good thing too because my car won't start, so I'll be running Sky to the park in the jogger.

Thankfully the rest of the weekend was nothing but fun times.  Sky loves all the rough and tumble play with Grandpa.  She really loved visiting Lattin's Country Cider Mill, feeding the animals, eating apple cider doughnuts, riding the horses, running through the pumpkin patch, and riding in the wheelbarrow.  If you live in the Olympia area and haven't been, you should go!

Apparently the weekend wore her out because it's 8:00 a.m. and Sky is still asleep...unheard of!!!  But, I love the quiet time to drink coffee, blog, get ready for our run etc.

Just a nice easy, purposely slower paced run, to ease the hip/TFL back into it today.  I have a fast group run in store tomorrow, so no need to run too fast today especially while pushing Sky.  She is getting heavier and heavier! 

Tell me something cool you did this weekend?  Any running or racing success to share? 

Don't forget about the RunVember challenge...who's joining me? 

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