Friday, October 4, 2013

Happy Sunny Friday & Not From The Kitchen

Sky got her cast off this morning!!!  I had no idea her skin would stink so bad what the cast came off.  I thought it was the cast itself that stunk, but her arm was nasty.  (BTW - we found that when she did accidently get her cast wet and the stink flared up that putting cornstarch down/up her cast helped a ton!) 

I can't tell you how happy I was to wash her hair, and let her sit in the bath until the water was filthy and cold.  Her first real bath in over a month = black bath water.  She splashed and reunited with her favorite bath toys, and had a huge grin the entire time.  I tried to get a picture, but she was splashing so much it was getting my phone wet. 

With all the rain we have had there has been a lake puddle in the driveway for weeks, and Sky has wanted to stomp and jump in it every time we go outside.  I wouldn't let her though because we had to keep the cast dry. 

Since yesterday was the last day in the cast I let her go for it!

Pure happiness.  She was soaked from head to toe after stomping and belly flopping in it.  Of course now that the cast is off it's lovely and sunny out.  Spent weeks trying to keep her dry and happy inside and now we have sun. 

It's supposed to be fairly nice tomorrow too, so after nap time Sky and I are headed to Chambers Bay for a run and play time at the park.  I need to get my running legs back and she needs some outside play time! 

This little bit of sun is what I needed to counteract the post-race, post-training run let down.  At least when I'm training I don't even think about if I'm going to run or not.  I run no matter what no matter the weather.  But, with all the rain and only a couple of 5K's on the schedule between now and April I was starting to feel like hibernating was a better idea than running.  What a difference some sun makes!!  I'm looking forward to logging some miles tomorrow!

I was going to share a recipe for a From The Kitchen post today, but I'm opting to encourage you to get the Well Fed cookbook for yourself and/or check out the blog HERE
Even if you don't follow a strict Paleo diet (we don't) the recipes are yummy and add nice variety to our menu planning!

How much time do you take off after a big race?
2 to 3 days, anything more than that and I have a hard time getting back into it.

Ever gone puddle jumping?
Every puddle we see...we love our rain boots!

Any fun weekend plans?
Mark is busy all weekend, so Sky and I are going to hang out, run, play, and maybe run some more.  Oh, and go to Costco.

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