Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Running Rest Day

Today wasn't going to be a rest day.  But, sometimes that's how it goes.  My hip has been bothering me, and getting worse and worse.  I think I know why...Sky has been way overly clingy and wanting to be held all the time.  I have been bad and have been propping her on my hip...really bad idea! 

So, after a nice easy morning walk with Jodi it's all rest, foam rolling, stretching (maybe a little beer), and no more propping Sky on my hip.  But, still cuddling and holding her as much as I can, because at 2 1/2 years old those days are quickly coming to an end I'm sure. 

It all works out though.  I'll swap my Thursday rest day for today and Sky and I will hit the waterfront again!  Can't wait! 

Shout out to Garmin Customer Service.  My watch has been randomly deleting my entire history/deleting runs before I can upload them.  I finally took the time to call yesterday.  The step by step instructions were amazing and I was impressed because not only do they know their products, but they understand how all the different versions of window works, and how Mac vs PC work.  Time will tell if it is fixed or not, but it did track, save and upload my walk today.  That's a good sign!

After our morning walk it was time for one of Sky's favorite snacks.  Hummus!  Just don't share dip's with her because she dips and licks, dips and licks over and over.  It's like double dipping x 10!   

One of her other favorite things...

 ...brushing her teeth!  Yep, that's toothpaste on her nose.  It gets everywhere, but at least she enjoys the process. 

How do you spend your rest days? 

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